What course do we offer?

PEERS® Social Skills Program

The only research based social skills program available, designed for teens aged 13-17.

Who is this course for?

The PEERS® social skills program is for teens (13-17 years), who are interested in learning skills to make and keep friends.

Teens who complete our program often identify as having social challenges including things like Social Anxiety, ASD/Aspergers, ADHD, Dyslexia, Introversion, being Gifted and Talented or having Learning Disability.


I have successfully trained Teens in Social Skills using the fantastic PEERS course, running 3 x weekly groups, for 14 weeks, twice a year since February 2022.

Next course starts February 2024. I will also run a course starting in July 2024.

Wed & Thurs 4:30 - 6:00pm at Dee Why ( 1 group per afternoon)

Please contact Jen, using details below, to register your interest, as places are limited to 8 children per group.

Each group is small to allow each person to gain the maximum benefit each week

The course runs for 14 weeks, running from February to June 2024 OR July to November 2024. We break for school holidays.

CONTACT Jen by email on jen@gutsykidsnutritionalcare.com or call 0404401520 to secure your child’s place in this course.